Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Show Adsense Ads inside Blogger Posts, Wrapped with Post Text

Google Adsense is the main source of revenue for more than 95% bloggers. If you are using blogger to host your blogs and using Adsense as your ad network, you should blend your ads with your posts to get more attention on ads from your visitors, resulting in more clicks and more revenue. Showing Adsense ads between two blogger posts is not effective, since people tend to overlook that part. If you wrap the ads within the post, it will get noticed and chances are there for a better CTR (click through rate). You can easily customize your blog to show Adsense ads inside your posts, aligned either to left or right.
For a better click through rate, I would recommended you to blend the ads with your blog’s colour combination. Don’t use odd or too deep/light colours. Making your ads highlighted means you are manually trying to keep your income lower. Check out the below screenshot.
show adsense ads inside blogger posts

Show Adsense Ads inside Blogger posts, wrapped with post text

  1. Login to your Blogger Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Layout >> Edit HTML
  3. Expand widget templates by checking the box
  4. Search for <data:post.body> inside your template. Add one of the following codes just above it.
  5. To show your Ads aligned to left
<div style='float:left; margin-right:5px;'>
To show your Ads aligned to right
<div style='float:right; margin-left:5px;'>
  1. Make sure to replace YOUR ADSENSE CODE with your actual Adsense ad code.
  2. Save all the changes you have made.
  3. You are done.
Remember to convert your Adsense code here before adding that to the above code. Blogger HTML does not support Adsense ad characters, hence you need to convert it.
Now all your blog posts should appear with Adsense ads wrapped around it’s texts. The best ad format for this location would be 336*280 or 300*250 or you can play with the ad formats until you notice a better result.